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Is Sports Betting Haram? An Overview Based on Islam


Sports betting is a popular form of gambling that involves placing bets on the outcome of sporting events. In recent years, sports betting has become increasingly popular in the Muslim world, with many Muslims participating in this activity. However, there is some debate among Islamic scholars as to whether sports betting is haram or halal (forbidden or permissible ).

This article provides an overview of the Islamic view on sports betting based on the Quran and Sunnah. We will also discuss the different types of sports bets and whether they are considered sports betting haram or halal in Islam.


Sports Betting Haram

Understanding the Islam View About Sport Betting

To comprehend the Islamic view on sports betting, one must first understand the principles that guide the lives of its followers. Islam promotes justice, and fairness and prohibits any form of harm or deceit. Activities that can lead to addiction, personal ruin, or harm to society are typically frowned upon.

Sports betting can be seen as a form of gambling where the outcome is uncertain, and there is a risk of loss. In Islam, gambling is generally seen as haram or forbidden. This stems from the idea that wealth should not be obtained without effort or by taking advantage of others.

Gambling is generally considered to be haram in Islam. This is because it is seen as a form of gambling, which is prohibited in the Quran and Sunnah. The Quran states that gambling is “an abomination of Satan’s doing” (Quran 2:168). The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also cursed gamblers and those who consume the proceeds of gambling (Sahih Bukhari).

Is Sports Betting Haram?

In essence, sports betting is considered haram in Islam. The Quran specifically mentions games of chance in Surah Al-Baqarah: “They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, ‘In them is great sin and [yet, some] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit.’ ” (2:219). The teaching implies that while there might be benefits, the sin and potential harm outweigh them.


There is no consensus among Islamic scholars as to whether sports betting is halal or haram. Some scholars believe that sports betting is a form of gambling and is, therefore, haram. Other scholars believe that sports betting is permissible as long as it is done in moderation and without the intention of making a profit.

The following are some of the arguments that have been made by scholars who believe that sports betting is haram:

  • Sports betting is a form of gambling which is prohibited in the Quran and Sunnah.
  • Sports betting can lead to addiction and financial ruin.
  • Sports betting can promote a culture of greed and materialism.
  • Sports betting can be used to launder money and finance other illegal activities.

The following are some of the arguments that have been made by scholars who believe that sports betting is permissible:

  • Sports betting is not explicitly mentioned as being haram in the Quran or Sunnah.
  • Sports betting can be done for fun and entertainment without the intention of making a profit.
  • Sports betting can be used to promote social interaction and camaraderie.
  • Sports betting can be used to raise money for charity or other good causes.

Is Betting Halal in Islam?

The general consensus is that any form of gambling, including betting, is not halal (permissible) in Islam. This is because gambling involves obtaining money without working for it, and it promotes unhealthy competition greed, and can lead to social evils.

Is Betting Haram in the Quran?

The Quran does not explicitly mention betting as being haram. However, there are a few verses that are often cited as evidence that betting is prohibited. For example, the Quran states that “gambling, wine, idols, and divination are an abomination of Satan’s doing” (Quran 2:168).

Some scholars believe that this verse prohibits all forms of gambling, including sports betting. Others believe that the verse is only referring to gambling that is done in a religious context.

Which Trading is Halal in Islam?

Islam permits trade and business activities that are conducted fairly and without deception. Profit gained from legitimate trade, where goods or services are exchanged, is halal. This includes stock trading if it avoids companies dealing in haram activities and doesn’t involve excessive speculation.

Punishment for Gambling in Islam

While the Quran advises against gambling, the specific punishment for those who engage in it is more cultural and depends on individual Islamic countries or communities. The main emphasis is on personal accountability and the spiritual consequences of turning away from God’s guidance.

What Kind of Bets are Haram?

All forms of bets that involve gambling, where one can gain or lose money based on uncertain outcomes, are considered haram in Islam. This includes sports betting, casino games, lottery, and other similar activities.

Is It Against Religion to Bet?

Yes, from an Islamic standpoint, betting is against the teachings of the religion.

Is Betting on Crypto Halal?

The concept of cryptocurrencies and their permissibility in Islam is a subject of contemporary debate among scholars. If betting on crypto involves speculative trading, which resembles gambling, it might be deemed haram. However, simple transactions or investments in cryptocurrencies, if done without speculative intentions, may be considered differently.

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Can Muslims Play Poker?

Poker is a game of chance, and therefore, it is considered haram in Islam. This is because it involves placing bets on the outcome of an uncertain event.

However, some Muslims argue that poker can be played in a halal way. For example, they argue that it is permissible to play poker for fun without the intention of making a profit. They also argue that it is permissible to play poker with friends as a way to socialize and bond.

Poker, when played for money and where there’s a risk of loss, falls under the category of gambling and is thus considered haram. However, playing for fun without any money involved might not be viewed with the same severity.

What to Do with Gambling Money in Islam?

If Muslims realize their mistake and want to repent, they are encouraged to give away the ill-gotten money to charity. It’s seen as a way of purifying oneself from the sin.

If a Muslim loses money from gambling, they should repent to Allah and seek His forgiveness. They should also try to learn from their mistake and avoid gambling in the future.


For Muslims seeking clarity on sports betting and its stance in Islam, the evidence is clear. Activities that resemble gambling, including sport betting, are considered haram. While the world of modern finance and recreation continues to evolve, the core principles of Islam remain steadfast, guiding its followers towards a life of integrity, fairness, and righteousness.



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