How To Bet On DraftKings UFC (Complete Guide)

UFC fights have become a significant part of the sports culture and an integral aspect of the betting world. DraftKings, a leading daily fantasy sports platform, recognized this trend and introduced its UFC fantasy contests, adding another dimension to the already thrilling world of mixed martial arts.

DraftKings UFC

If you’re keen to dive into the world of DraftKings UFC but need help figuring out where to start, we’ve got you covered. Here’s your comprehensive guide.

DraftKings UFC Overview

DraftKings, renowned for its daily fantasy sports offerings, introduced UFC contests as a new avenue for sports enthusiasts to engage with their favorite fighters. Through DraftKings UFC, participants don’t just passively watch a match; they actively participate in the thrill by creating fantasy lineups and scoring points based on real-time fight outcomes.

How To Bet On DraftKings UFC Fight

Betting on DraftKings UFC requires knowledge of the sport and a strategic mindset. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Research The Fighters: 

Thoroughly research the fighters before selecting your lineup. Look at their past performances, strengths, weaknesses, and other relevant data.

2. Understand The Scoring System: 

Familiarize how DraftKings awards points in UFC contests. Knowing which moves or actions score the most points can help you make an informed selection.

3. Stay Updated: 

Injuries, replacements, or last-minute changes can impact your lineup. Try to stay updated with the latest news about the fights you’re betting on.

How Does DraftKings UFC Work?

  1. Creating an Account: If you still need to, sign up on the DraftKings website or app.
  2. Selecting a Contest: Navigate to the UFC section and browse various available contests. They could range from free entry contests to those with significant cash prizes.
  3. Drafting Your Fighters: Based on the salary cap provided, select fighters for your lineup. Each fighter is assigned a specific value, and the total value of all fighters in your lineup should not exceed the cap.
  4. Earning Points: Once your lineup is set, watch the fights and earn points based on your fighters’ performances. Points are awarded for significant strikes, takedowns, knockdowns, and other critical fight metrics.
  5. Winning: If your lineup’s score ranks top in your contest at the end of the fight night, you win!

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Tips For Winning DraftKings UFC Fight

  1. Diversify Your Lineup: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your lineup to increase your chances of scoring points from different fights.
  2. Consider the Fight Style: Some fighters have a defensive style, which is good in real fights but may score a few points in fantasy contests. Look for aggressive fighters.
  3. Look for Value Picks: Less-known fighters sometimes offer incredible value. They may be priced lower but deliver a stellar performance.
  4. Engage with the Community: Join online forums and discussions related to DraftKings UFC. They can offer critical insights and tips that you might overlook.


In conclusion, DraftKings UFC offers a thrilling way to engage with the sport of mixed martial arts. You can turn your knowledge into wins with the right strategy and some luck. Happy betting!


Q1: What happens if a fight gets canceled in DraftKings UFC? 

A1: The fighters will score zero points if a fight gets canceled after the contest starts.

Q2: Can I change my lineup after submitting? 

A2: You can modify your lineup until the contest’s designated start time.

Q3: How are the fighters’ values determined? 

A3: Fighters’ values are based on their past performances and expected performance in the upcoming match.

Q4: What’s the difference between cash games and GPPs in DraftKings UFC? 

A4: Cash games are contests where approximately the top 50% of lineups win money. GPPs (Guaranteed Prize Pools) have larger prize pools and are generally harder to win.

Q5: Can I participate in DraftKings UFC from outside the US? 

A5: Yes, DraftKings operates in various countries, but ensure to check local regulations and the platform’s terms of service.

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